DOXS RUHR is a festival that explores images. Films are screened that inspire and excite, and that are about something: reality. We are as much in love with documentaries as we are in love with the cinema and the Ruhr Region. 

Our programme comes from Europe, and our young audience from a region whose topography inspired and initiated the decentralised festival concept. The subjects and aesthetic components of the DOXS RUHR programme are selected with a feel for youthful lifestyles, and presented to suit specific age groups. Digital formats enable interested parties and filmmakers to exchange experiences and ideas with each other independent of urban infrastructure. We collaborate and join forces with our partners from the film and education sectors to mobilise children and young people to engage with a film culture that is foreign to them, that they have not experienced in their surroundings.

In addition to the films, the venues are our strongest trump card: From 1920s cinema “palaces” to unused industrial locations, the charm and atmospheres of our cinemas are as diverse as they are unmistakable, awakening the interest of a young audience in tomorrow’s images and yesterday’s cinephile reservoir. If documentaries manage to deliver great cinematic experiences, three things merge naturally: entertainment, art, and education.

Motivated by our desire to work fairly and sustainably, the extracurricular educational film projects we implement throughout the year complement the festival activities. We are facing the challenge of providing barrier-free offers because it is our conviction. Actions speak louder than words.

Interested? Let’s get in touch.

Allow us to inspire you! Find more information on our festival program in this year’s press release.

DOXS RUHR – press release Bochum, October 7 2024
YES! Think Tank on Docs for Young Audiences – Defining Steps to Move Forward